8/8 Sprouted & Curried Yellow Peas

Happy Meatless Monday. Since becoming vegan I have found that making a weekly trip to my local bulk food store is really worth it. Many of the items that I use all the time are there in their least expensive form like dried beans, nuts, and nutritional yeast. Last time I was there,  I was wandering around, pondering what to try and sprout next in my sprouting jar when I spied whole dried yellow peas at the bulk food store. Perfect.

As I understand it,  the usual split variety are not able to be sprouted, so the whole ones were a good find. I had no idea what to do with them once they were sprouted, but I thought I would give it a go.  I went to The Sprout People website to double check the soak, rinse and drain time. They also had an eight minute  how-to video on sprouting peas, so I thought why not give it a go.

Photo By: S. Duquet

I soaked the wrinkly, dried yellow peas overnight and in the morning they were perfectly plump and golden. I then began the rinse,  drain cycle and was shocked by how quickly they sprouted. I swear if  I had the time and desire,  I could have sat there and watched them grow. Allow them to sprout until they have attained your desired tail length and then use them in your favorite bean dish, stir fry, soup, burger etc….. We cooked ours in a curry and served them over couscous for a nutrient dense, spicy meal. It was so amazingly flavorful we had it twice in one week and not in left over form…from scratch.

Photo By: S. Duquet

Sprouted & Curried Yellow Peas

By: S. Boulton


2 C sprouted yellow peas (could substitute re-hydrated whole yellow peas or even chick peas from a can)

1 C green peas

1 C  chopped green bell pepper (yellow, red or orange would work too)

1/4 C water

1/2  C coconut milk (The one in the half gallon from the fridge, not from the can. I used the vanilla one we drink daily, it added a nice hint of sweet)  Add a bit more if the sauce is too spicy or the dish looks a bit dry.

1 tbsp liquid aminos

1 tbsp red chili paste

1 tsp garlic powder

1 tsp curry powder (I added a bit more, use according to your taste)

1 tsp coriander

Make it Happen:

Bring 4 C water to a boil in saucepan.  Add sprouted peas and simmer for 10-12 minutes, drain.  Dissolve the chili paste in 1/4 C warm water,  you can use water that you are draining from the peas.  Add all ingredients back into saucepan with sprouted peas,  stir well and simmer for about 6-8 minutes.   Serve over couscous, rice or quinoa and enjoy!

This dish was spicy, mildly sweet and a tasty departure from our usual curry faves. It is an ideal meal for Meatless Monday and breakfast Tuesday. I  think you will really enjoy this one. If you have tried and loved any sprouted recipes, please share. Sprouting has been so much fun and inexpensive. I look forward to experimenting with  more recipes.

Have a delicious day.

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  1. Jan Says:

    Hi Sherry,
    Thanks, am going to try your curried yellow pea dish. Sans the chili paste (I’m a lightweight!) But curry and coriander are two of my favorite spices. Yum.
    However, you say the split peas don’t sprout. Is it because they’re yellow??? My green split peas (long as they’re fresh) sprout all the time, and quickly too. Just yesterday I put a batch in a pot of water to soak and within an hour they were growing. Seems a shame to cook and eat ’em when they’re so eager to live! Ah well, becoming part of a higher life form ain’t such a bad fate!
    Thanks again for your great blog.

  2. Sherry Says:

    Hi Jan,

    Please let me know how your yellow pea curry comes out. Honestly, I have no idea why they dont sprout. When I was learning how to sprout I read that they wouldn’t sprout then tried and mine would not, so I accepted it as fact. Thank you for telling me otherwise You have inspired me to try again. Sprouting is so wonderful. What is your favorite thingto sprout?