7/19 Adoration for Balsamic Vinegar

Ever since we began following the Engine 2 Diet I have been making our salad dressings. I love experimenting and appreciate being able to limit the sodium and omit the oil. I realized that you do not need oil for an amazing vinaigrette salad dressing, you just need a memorable vinegar that is ripe with flavor.

Photo By: S. Duquet

Luckily for us, boutique vinegar is en vogue, very easy to find and relatively inexpensive. Stores that carry only specialty oils and Balsamic vinegars are cropping up everywhere and I think they are  a beautiful thing. Where else can you sip vinegar to your hearts content? Last weekend we visited the Great Lakes Olive Oil Co. and found the most luscious White Balsamic Lemongrass Mint vinegar. I wanted to drink it from the big silver cask but the young lady behind the counter would not look away.

Photo By: S. Duquet

They had other delicious flavors like 18 year Traditional, Coconut and Oregano. I could have spent the mortgage on Balsamic vinegar but I settled on just one.

It has been my experience that they run about $17.00 per bottle. At first I thought that was kind of pricey until I admitted to myself that I have paid that for 2 martinis. The last bottle of flavored Balsamic I purchased has lasted an entire year and I use it all the time.

The flavored Balsamics are so intense and luxurious that you can use them right from the bottle on anything you desire. There is no need to add oil to make a salad dressing….they are exquisite on their own. For a creamier dressing I like to add Dijon mustard and a dash of agave. Yesterday I did that with the Lemnongrass Mint White Balsamic and it practically leapt out of the bowl it was so vibrant.

Delicious  healthy food can be easy. I believe that it helps to start out with the right tools. I think a delicious (not expensive)  Balsamic is one of them. The next time you see a new flavor at the grocery store…try it out. When you hear about a new vinegar and oil store opening near you, venture in and taste a few for yourself. You may find one to adore.

Kale Trail Update

On Friday our long run tied the longest run I have ever accomplished, five miles. That means that every single long run from here on out will be the longest I have ever run. That is both exciting and fear inducing. In the same few seconds my mind can be saying both, “I have come so far, I can’t believe how awesome this is….and Oh my god I have so far to go. Of course I can’t do this.” Sometimes my fear is louder than my faith, but I continue to run and the miles continue to add up.  Leaving fear behind is hard….really hard but the benefit is great and believing in myself  is worth the battle.

Have a delicious day.

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  1. julie Says:

    I love Balsamic.

  2. Sherry Says:

    I do too. We went to another Balsamic store today and I was drinking it like it was a little cup of water. The owner seemed both frightened and intrigued by my love of Balsamic.