3/4 Is That You?

Wednesday morning I had a doctors appointment for my baseline blood work and cholesterol screening. At home while getting ready, I caught a glimpse of myself  in the mirror. I had not yet done my hair or put on moisturizer when I spied myself  and thought, “Is that you? You look radiant.”  My face was perky and flushed in all the right ways. My skin was hydrated and my eyes were bright and twinkly. I was so taken aback by the site of this stranger in the mirror that I yelled for  Sandy and asked quizically…” Doesn’t my skin look oddly radiant and alive???”  We stood there  asking aloud, “Is it possible after only one full day of living whole food and plant strong to feel or see a difference?”

The next afternoon I said out loud what I had been thinking, “Sandy I think I have already lost weight because I feel amazing.” She said,  “I know, I think I have too because I  feel great but thought it was too ridiculous to mention.”

I keep thinking, our bodies are changing. They are responding to this abundant, plant strong diet in miraculous ways.  Even with the joy of positive change and a smidge of self love comes busy days and the strain of trying to adapt to healthy change when you are  tired, hungry, spread too thin….fill in your own blank.

That evening we host a jewelry making workshop where we are serving red and white wine (we are not drinking at all while on the E2 plan). The atmosphere is fun and casual, there are snacks, new friends, good wine and I am tempted. I want to open and finish the bottle of red and wash it down with a huge vegan deep dish pizza. But I don’t succumb to my own pressure. By the time we leave class I am ready to eat the beads we were just working with or perhaps the side of the building. On the way home we come up behind a parked fire truck and on the back, as if put there just for us is E2. Right there was our community’s very own Engine 2.  It was like a much needed sign from the universe saying, “Keep it up girls, change takes time and you are doing great.” (I am typically an optimist). It was nothing short of serendipitous.  We both shook our heads and smiled.

So with a rejuvenated commitment to ourselves and to the E2 plan we had an exquisite whole grain, whole food dinner that was a snap to prepare and made enough for future  meals (look for the recipe on Saturday).

I have no idea if I  have actually lost weight or altered the appearance of my skin from the inside out. What I share with absolute conviction is that  for two days now I have looked at the girl in the mirror and thought, “There you are. I am so happy to see you.” Eliminating oils and reducing the amount of  sugar and salt I consume is changing my life. In three days I have noticed a marked difference. Whether it is perceived or absolute doesn’t matter to me. I just want to feel energetic, alive and beautiful from the inside out.

If you are ready to jump in with both feet and embrace the E2 diet or make a commitment to one less processed meal in a day, take a step, one that is right for you.   Making change is exciting as we explore the new things about our bodies and our minds along the way.  Who knows, maybe an E2 firetruck will cross your path one day soon and make you smile too.

Have a delicious and inspired day.

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