7/6 Vegan Challenged

We made it through the weekend unscathed with our veganism intact. We were challenged a bit over the weekend (I had a run in with a not vegan bag of lime tortilla chips. My fave) but I did not succumb to their seduction. We brought Sandy’s Vegan Cowgirl BBQ Beans (In the recipe section) to a party on Saturday and they were devoured.  We were out of the Daiya Cheddar Cheese so she made them without it, added some nutritional yeast for a rounded flavor and they were delish.

Vegan Retreat is Friday!

July 9-11 is the vegan retreat  at the  Leaven Center in Lyons, Michigan. I am really looking forward to it. I have never been to anything like this. It feels like grown up summer camp. I am going to bring a journal so I can write about my experiences accurately when I return. I think unless you are  a writer for Oprah magazine or the New York Times, it is probably really frowned upon to bring a lap top to an oasis like the Leaven Center. I could be wrong but it just feels wrong like answering your cell phone during a massage, you just wouldn’t do that. I am going to bring Swedish Fish because it seems like something you should bring to camp. Thanks to GiGi from Veganville, we now know they are vegan!

The retreat begins on Friday at 7pm and ends on Sunday afternoon at 1pm.

The cost is $190.00 Per person which includes your meals, lodging and overall transformational experience! You can learn more about this and other retreats as well as register on their site at:  www.leaven.org

If any of you have ever experienced anything like this,  our readers would love to hear about it. Better yet, secure yourself a spot at the Leaven Center this weekend and we can experience it together! Everything is more fun with friends.

How is everyone else doing their first week of Challenge? I would love an update.

Have a delicious day.

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  1. GiGi Says:

    Swedish fish and camp…you can’t go wrong!
    Red Hot Blues and tings might be good substitiutes for the lime tortilla chips (wonder if you could squeese some lime on them…or would that be gross?) Have a terrific time!!!

  2. Sherry Says:

    I have never tried those but I will give it a go. I just bought a lime and salt popcorn that I am pretty excited about. Maybe it will fill the void.