7/9 Lets Talk About It

Wednesday marked our first week of full on veganism. We have been working up to it very diligently for the past month and a half, but were still consuming limited dairy products until last week. On Wednesday morning  we weighed ourselves and sheepishly shared. I had gained a pound and she had gained two. We both tried to act unphased as we drank our decaf, but I was secretly mad. I have been hungry all week, have barely had anything more scandalous than Tofurkey, almonds and hummus (besides the dark chocolate chip cookies you will hear about tomorrow) and I am gaining weight?! I kept it to myself though.

After that passed I  asked Sandy, “Have you noticed anything different? ” She said no. I said not really. But the truth is, I had noticed a few things but neither of us spoke up. We doubted that we could feel any differently in a week. Even if that is true, I think it is really important to honestly and openly share the things we have experienced in case others have as well. This is a place where there is no wrong question or weird comment. We are trying to make fantastic, life altering changes to our bodies and our lives. There may be strange questions and conversations about bodily functions  along the way.

So, here it is…I am pooping all the time. Good healthy, I live on veggies pooping. Even though I have been vegetarian for over a decade, I have never experienced such perfect motility. My body is like,”Thank you for the amazing meal, can we have another?”

I have also noticed that my skin has looked radiant. More than just the its summer and we all look healthy thing. It has looked beautiful from the inside out.

My nails are growing like I am on pre-natal vitamins. They are crazy long, beautiful and healthy.

Once Sandy and I fessed up to the random things we had been experiencing over the past week, we both agreed that despite the weight gain, we both felt like rock stars. We both felt great physically. Neither of us have experienced an increase in energy, but we have both felt healthy and vibrant. That can never be bad, regardless of what the scale says.

The last thing I have noticed is a decrease in cravings of all kinds. This includes sugar, snack foods like Cheez-its and ice cream. I used to really crave these things and I have noticed that it has diminished considerably. Yahoo.

So that is the full report out of week one. If you have experienced any changes from your particular 30 day challenge, please share. If you experienced anything during your own vegan or vegetarian journey, shout it out. We would love to hear from you.

Have a delicious day.

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  1. Jennifer Gabrish Says:

    YAY for pooping! And YAY for decreased cravings! You both look radiant and gorgeous! Now you NEED to try those green smoothies, one a day makes meeting your nutritional and energy requirements SO much easier! :)

  2. Sherry Says:

    Thank you Jennifer. We are really working on it and enjoying it very much.
    Over the weekend at the retreat we made the yummiest green smoothies with kale! I could not believe it. I am going to keep experimenting and do a post about it soon.