12/2 Strangest Day Ever

Yesterday morning I woke up with an agonizing sore throat. I called in sick to work and promptly made a doctors appointment. They fit me in and with gratitude I saw my doctor.  She said it is likely Strep Throat and sent me home with antibiotics to sleep it off with Chloe. I left there ready to pour myself into bed with the intention of never leaving.  On my way home I got into a car accident. The traffic in front of me stopped abruptly and the man behind me was not paying attention. He crashed in to my car at a high rate of speed. I realized immediately that I was hurt. When I got home, Sandy took me to urgent care for my neck and back. Can anyone see the irony in this? The urgent care Dr. thought my vertebrae in my neck may be broken so he sent me to the ER. Seriously?? I wish this were a funny fictional story. Thankfully, there were no breaks, just lots of sprains and strains. I am now safely at home and significantly more medicated than a dangerous animal.  Needless to say, this is the very best post I can do. Please continue to comment to win and I look forward to sharing more Exploits soon. I am anxious to make some delish vegan food. I am craving an eggnog cheesecake.

Have a delicious day.

Image courtesy of visualphotos.com

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  1. Jennifer Says:

    Glad you’re ok!

  2. Amanda Says:

    Oh my gosh, I’m glad you aren’t more seriously hurt! Take care of yourself!

  3. Michelle Says:

    I’m so sorry to hear about this, I know what it’s like. I was in an identical accident a few years ago and it was very scary. Take things easy and let your body heal.

  4. nik Says:

    So grateful you are okay! Good health is the most precious of gifts. :)

  5. Sherry Says:

    Thank you so much Jennifer.

  6. Sherry Says:

    Thank you Amanda. I am quickly healing inside and out. Baking is healing my soul and resting is healing my body.

  7. Sherry Says:

    Thank you Michelle,
    You are so right. It really was much scarier than I could have ever imagined. I am healing quickly and am filled with gratitude.

  8. Sherry Says:

    Thank you Nik. Having my health or safety challenged is such a crystal reminder to never, ever take it for granted. I am grateful.