9/10 No Longer Needed

Our neighbor just moved and generously gifted us his fridge. We are grateful to have it and have been searching for two willing and able-bodied individuals to help us maneuver this behemoth down the basement stairs. I was finally able to snag two kind souls by offering vegan brownies. Evidently I have grown up and so have my friends. Remember when people would only help you move things if you offered to buy them a case of beer? Vegan brownies are the new beer.

So, we had to clean the basement and make a spot for our new vegan ice box. As I was sorting through the forgotten items that always make it into peoples basements, I came across my Weight Watchers carryall. I have the books, the cook books, the point counters, the journals and the attache to keep it in. I have kept this weighty paraphernalia for at least a decade. I have dug it out of the dust and shadows every time I have vowed to take control of my eating and work the program. I have weighed in before sympathetic strangers and received my award ribbons for pounds lost.

I saw this bundle and immediately thought, :”I will keep you in case I get fat again,” and then I stopped as if an ice cold glass of water had been thrown in my face.  I reigned myself in and thought, “That is an old way of thinking. You don’t have to feel that way anymore, regardless of what you weigh.” And I decided in that moment to get rid of it.

Recycling these materials was one of the most liberating and frightening decisions I have ever made. I have kept this carryall as a life ring….the only thing that would stop me when and if I got out of control. My weight, my eating, my portion sizes. Freeing myself of the tyranny of the reduction plan road map was like announcing that the war was finally over. I was waving the white flag for my self esteem, my distorted view of my body and my incessant desire to fix it. Time to get off this ride because I have really been enjoying the life is good and food is healthy ride much more.

Becoming vegan and a runner has definitely changed my body in ways that I feel are beautiful and sustainable, but what I am really talking about here is a mental shift. I now eat to fuel, to flourish and to thrive. I eat foods with natural fat and vibrant colors. I haven’t purchased a carton or container that says,”fat free” since becoming vegan and that is liberating. I have spent the majority of my 39 years  feeling overweight. This has made me feel unlovable and insecure. In the year that I have been vegan I have shed more layers of that thinking and conditioning then I ever thought possible. It is a work in progress. I slip often and say unkind  things to myself, but I now more readily recognize it and stop instead of letting it run like a repeating loop of belittling banter. Becoming vegan began a truce with my body and my mind that has changed my life.

So, the Weight Watchers info is no longer needed. I am no longer willing to eat to reduce or to eliminate parts of me. I want to be full and energetic with a nourished body and soul. Thank you for being a part of this journey. I look forward to hearing about yours.

Have a delicious weekend.

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  1. Crissie Says:

    Good for you for throwing it away! I’ve struggled very similarly – on many diets until I found veganism and running. I also haven’t quite managed to make the mental shift I think I need in order to see myself and my life in a new light. I’m trying…but not there yet! Congrats on getting there :)

  2. Jennifer Says:

    Go YOU! I am proud of you!

  3. Amanda Says:

    I love to hear from people whose veganism has positively changed their body image and now view food as a friend, not foe. I’ve never been overweight but I’ve had more than my share of struggles – even after becoming a runner and being vegan 3 years. I pray for the day I feel as much compassion toward myself as I feel toward animals. Thanks for being so inspiring as you share your journey with us!

  4. kathy sambuca Says:

    love you!!!!! :)

  5. Lisa Nauman Says:

    It is amazing how the shift keeps happening!!! I’m so proud of you for releasing things you no longer need! I just recently went through my cookbook collection and donated almost all of them :)

  6. Sherry Says:

    Thank you Crissie. Congratulations of treating yourself to veganism and running. We all deserve the gift of good health. It was so interesting to realize that keeping myself from food was creating weight gain and disordered eating. Believing I was fat and continuously berating myself because of that was creating thought patterns and behaviors that made it impossible to have any self esteem at all, let alone nurturing good habits. By focusing on the food, and consuming healthy vibrant vegan food, my weight has normalized and stabilized. Treating my body as something to cherish has helped me do just that. Running has helped me feel strong in both body and mind and I really love that. Crissie, keep it up and please continue to share as you are willing. You are an inspiration to all of us.

  7. Sherry Says:

    Thank you Jennifer and Amanda for your kind words and encouragement. Amanda that is so true….if we loved ourselves as openly as we loved our animals we would all be very self actualized. It is a journey and a process. I am learning to love myself and to treat myself as someone deserving of vibrant health and compassionate choices. Thank you both for sharing your journey and insights with us. They are invaluable.

  8. Sherry Says:

    Thank you for your continued inspiration and enthusiasm. Donating your unused cookbooks is such a nice idea. Make room for the new.