6/10 Taking Time For Fun

Hi there, it’s Sandy chiming in with a thought about one of my favorite topics, taking time for fun.  I just finished reading an article about having fun, something that we are trying to do in pockets as much as possible.  Taking time for fun is as important to our health as any critical nutrient for our bodies, it helps to re-charge emotions, mental clarity and overall positive energy.

Sometimes, the small gestures are all that is required.  Earlier this week we took a 2 hour break to watch one of our favorite Spielberg flicks, E.T.  Something about that movie triggers a strong sense of hope and commitment in me that few movies can claim as enduring for decades.  Elliot’s childlike curiosity and willingness to reach out to E.T. using his very beloved stash of Reese’s pieces felt so honest to me.  It was refreshing, even rejuvenating to watch the movie anew.   He embodies the notion of how a child can be terrified of something unknown and not be able to stop his flow of curiosity, waiting for E.T. at night on the lounge chair in his backyard, flashlight in hand.

Watching this movie was one of our fun timeouts and also nourished my soul. This is the part that I believe is so important about having fun, it gives your mind and emotions permission to release, to nourish yourself in ways that nothing else can provide.  Exercise can be fun too, like the running we are doing to prepare for the half marathon, but that is still shy of taking time out for real fun in my book.  Fun to me is more defined as laying by the pool, reading a great mystery or spy novel, a round of golf, watching a movie or a walk in the park.  It is also protecting your personal time by sometimes saying “no” to friends or family when you know they want you to be with them, but what you need is to take some time for yourself.

Full-on vacations are my best medicine, but in between those rare captured days away from work and obligations, it is important to take time for fun, even in small steps.  Maybe that is gardening or tennis or a movie marathon day of a favorite classic series, whatever it is that speaks to you, remember to be kind to yourself and have fun.    Sharing about changing the world one meal at a time in the Exploits blog is done gently and compassionately.  This notion of fun is much the same.  Take it one step at a time and allow yourself to enjoy moments in each day, a few precious hours here and there and even a day of unplanned playtime.

Have a delicious day and have fun doing it.

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  1. erin Says:

    E.T. terrified me as a child! I remember screaming and my mom had to leave the theater with me lol. I still have never watched, maybe I should now that I am an adult and less likely to freak out. :)

  2. Sherry Says:

    It is really scary. I thought it was still scary the other night. It is definitely a beautiful story of …love people and all things even if they are different than you, wrapped neatly in a Spielberg, terrifying children’s movie. Even the music was scary. Trust your instincts on this one.