5/14 Convenience Store

The funniest  thing happened yesterday. It is the kind of thing that makes you shake your head and think, “I could not have made this up. It is too random.” So here is the set up. Yesterday was running day and by the time I had time to run, I had already put in an 8.5 hour day on my feet, my car had been broken into and my grace for all things challenging had expired.  I felt really exhausted, angry and sad. I wanted to grab Chloe, cocoon into the couch where no one could find me and stay there for the remainder of the evening. However, my commitment to myself, Sandy and to Coach Kelly helped me to think better of it and we went out for our run. As we were walking through our neighborhood on our cool down I was feeling great. I did it. I didn’t want to, I didn’t feel up to it and my knee hurt, but I did it anyway and it felt really, really great.

Sandy and I were at a stop sign and from his vehicle a man waved us across the street. Just at that moment I recognized that it was the man that owns the party store a few blocks away from our house, he leaned out his window and yelled to us, “Hey, I miss you guys.” We waved and said hello then I turned to Sandy and  asked incredulously, “Did the party store owner just yell out his car window that he missed us?” That is so bad. The woman at the library or the  cashier from the farmers market has never said anything like that.

A year ago I was a regular convenience store customer, purchasing my drink of choice and a pack or two of cigarettes. If it wasn’t gin and tonics for after work it was a diet coke here and there and maybe some chips for a snack with our cocktails.  We were casual drinkers and I was a more than a casual smoker. The vegan challenge changed all of that. I went vegan and stopped smoking. The more vegany I have become, the less interested I have been in sodas, liquor, or random acts of nutrition-less snacking.

This chance encounter illustrated such an interesting change of patterns, one that could not have been more ironically played out.  It is a shift in focus for sure, but a shift in investment, away from investing in these items of convenience, comfort and familiarity and into an investment in myself, change and growth.  That could be a new running coach or fresh produce, or simply an investment in time.  Perhaps  I would have sat on the couch after a hard day’s work with my convenience items and now I’m willing to lace up running shoes and head out the door on my route to better health.  I’ll still make room in there for a beer or two or a beautiful glass of red wine, but it is not going to be my first choice when I picture my plan for the rest of each day.

We can make new choices, one at a time. They will take time and we can be patient  with ourselves as we try new ways of doing things. But one day we will look back only a year and realize just how much we have changed for the better and that feels pretty great. Let’s continue to allow ourselves to feel comfortable enough to try new things, be open to change and be gentle with ourselves as we make change. That way it can remain fun and  like an adventure.

Try a new food this weekend or enjoy walking a new route. Whatever you do for yourself, have a delicious weekend.

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  1. FoodFeud Says:

    That is a pretty funny story. Who better to have miss you than someone who fed unhealthy habits? Haha, keep up the good work!

  2. Sherry Says:

    Food Fued,
    I know! Isn’t it funny. As we walked home I said, “I couldn’t have made that up. It was too ridiculous.” Thank you for your encouragement. I appreciate it very much.