5/11 Embrace The Sprouts

I have resisted sprouting. I have hidden behind my lack of green thumb, my lack of  available time and a lack of sprouting devices. Really, I think I was just afraid for a few reasons. The first is that  once you have become a sprouter….there is no turning back, you are a person that grows your own sprouts,  you are pretty much a hippie. In my case, a vegan hippie. I was also afraid because everything I have read about sprouting has said that it is so easy..so incredibly easy. Well, what if it wasn’t easy? What if mine got moldy or too dry or just didn’t sprout. What if I really liked it and became a career sprouter? I don’t know.  Why do we resist things that are seemingly pretty easy, only to realize afterward that we actually love it?

Photo By: S. Duquet

So this year there were sprouting lids in my Easter basket. Evidentally the Easter Bunny has a sense of humor or in the very least, the desire to inspire others to reach higher. So last week I purchased the sprouting seeds and on Sunday the adventure began. So far, it has been really exciting (and easy). I swear you can almost see them growing.

Photo By: S. Duquet

The seeds I purchased were: Sprout Spree Sandwich Mix (left) and Organic Mung Bean sprouting seeds which produce the well known bean sprouts that you enjoy on top of perfect Pad Thai.  I had no idea that they started out as a humble yet delicious green Mung Bean.

Sprouting really is much easier than I had imagined.

Photo By: S. Duquet

Get a mason jar, some seeds and some sprouting lids. Soak your seeds overnight, rinse, drain, rinse, drain and repeat, then enjoy these nutritional behemoths that you grew magically and organically in your very own kitchen. Pretty great.

We are on day two and they look amazing.

Photo by: S. Duquet

I have really enjoyed nurturing them (rinsing and draining) and am excited to see their progress every time I wake up. I run to the kitchen (looking for coffee) to see how my sprouts have grown in the night. I will keep you posted on the progress. If you are a sprouter or a wannabe, please share. My friend Jennifer told me about this fantastic website called Sprout People. It has been an invaluable resource. Thank you Jennifer.

Kale Trail Update

Yesterday was running day. I felt physically strong but found the run to be a bit challenging. I was fighting with my mind and my breathing was erratic. Even with all of that internal chatter we shaved two minutes off our first two mile time last week. I could hardly believe it and I am really excited. We run solely for pleasure and not for times but it felt like a victory of strength and growth.

Have a delicious day.

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  1. JL goes Vegan Says:

    I love sprouting! And Sprout People got me through my anxiety — I just do exactly what they say :) I’ve made raw granola and bread and burgers with my sprouts. I’ve added sprouted quinoa to smoothies and sprouted beans to salad. Love ’em!

    Great job on the run! Progress!

  2. Sherry Says:

    I know, their videos are so funny and dead pan. They are helpful and too the point. I cant wait to order some of their sprout mixtures. How do you make raw granola? It sounds fantastic. Are your sprouted recipes on your blog?

  3. JL goes Vegan Says:

    Here are two granola posts: http://jlgoesvegan.com/3637817607/ and http://jlgoesvegan.com/raw-granola-bars/

    There is a recipe in the granola post and the granola bar post I indicate a few modifications to the original post. It’s goooood! :)

  4. Sherry Says:

    This sounds absolutely amazing and so do the raw beet and lentil burgers. My dehydrator does not display a temp…it just plugs in and runs. I wonder if the timing would change? I have never done any raw recipes and am looking forward to trying. Thank you.