4/19 Endive Gondolas & a Winner

Congratulations JL Goes Vegan. You are the second winner in the Exploits Birthday Bash week. You have won a copy of  The Conscious Cook by Tal Ronnen. Thank you for your comments and thank you for sharing your time with us.

A few days ago I purchased a package of three Endive. One purple and two of the widely recognizable white with pale yellow tips. Until then, Endive had fallen into that category of things I passed by in the produce section out of fear like Tamarind pods or Kumquats. What do you do with an Endive and what do they even taste like? Turns out they  taste like smooth, juicy  celery with a bite. They are both sophisticated and playful. Any food that can be used as its own scoop has a sense of humor. But any veggie that can be served raw as an elegant appetizer has my attention. They are so beautiful and elegant that having an Endive dish in your repertoire feels like a smart choice.

Photo By: S. Duquet

Endive and Date Gondoloas

Makes at least 12 stuffed gondolas

By: S. Duquet


Two white/yellow heads of Endive so you have enough gondolas. You can use the remainder of the leaves in another dish.

One purple head of endive finely chopped halfway down starting at the tip

2 dates with the pits removed and finely chopped (I always use dates with pits because the already pitted dates are not as moist)

1/2 Asian pear finely diced

1 Tbsp raw pistachios finely chopped

1 Tsp fig balsamic vinegar

1/2 tsp agave

Make It Happen

~Cut the ends off of the heads of Endive

~ Finely chop the purple Endive and peel the largest leaves off of the yellow heads and set these aside

~Put all chopped ingredients in a bowl

~In a separate bowl whisk the vinegar and agave and pour over other ingredients

~Gently toss and spoon into Endive gondolas

Photo By: S. Duquet

Serve immediately to your adoring friends, your hungry children or as a healthy indulgence for yourself with the perfect glass of wine. They are crunchy, savory and slightly sweet. The best part is that they felt like an amuse bouche from a five star restaurant and to your children, they will feel like the craziest “eat with your hands” snack they have ever seen. But, our secret is that they only take two minutes to prepare. Perfect.

Have a delicious day.

Endive image courtesy of Chefdecuisine.com

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  1. JL goes Vegan Says:

    Yay! I’m so excited! Thank you for such a great giveaway!

    I love your stuffed endives! Note to self: buy pistachios.

  2. erin Says:

    These are pertty! I have to admit, I have never known what to do with endives.

  3. GiGi Says:

    So pretty and springy!

  4. Lisa Says:

    Sherry these are beautiful! Dates are a magical thing!

  5. nik Says:

    ohgoodgolly that looks delicious! I was an assistant manager in the produce section of a gourmet grocery store for several years. We specialized in high quality fruits and veggies, both familiar and exotic, so as far as I was concerned, I worked in paradise. :) But I don’t think I’ve ever seen purple endive! I’m wondering…does it taste the same?
    I love that you call these Gondolas! Great photos!

  6. Sherry Says:

    I had never eaten or used Endive and now I love them on sandwiches and everything., They are crunchy and juicy like a grape meets celery. You will love this dish. So easy for an appetizer or cool snack.

  7. Sherry Says:

    I never did either. I had no idea what they tasted like until now. Turns out they are absolutely delicious on everything and filled with things. Yum.