3/3 Mini Mighty Muffins

I have been suffering from muffin phobia for some time now. This is mainly because the ones that have crossed my path have been calorie dense and nutrient barren, albeit delicious desserts disguised in a breakfast wrapper. I could eat a  1000 calorie muffin that was as big as my head and a half hour later wonder why I was hungry again. White flour and struesel topping aren’t filling for very long.

Photo By: S. Duquet

But these muffins blew me away. I call them Mini Mighty Muffins because the original Mighty Muffin recipe says that it makes 6 muffins. They must be the size of your head variety because I  followed the recipe to a tee (except for switching out the dried fruit) and  had enough batter for 12 fairly sizeable muffins. This makes me happy because now I can have two instead of just one biggie. One for now and one for snack time.

Photo By: S. Duquet

Mighty Muffins

By: The Engine 2 Diet


3 C  oat bran

1 tsp baking powder

1/2 tsp salt

4 tbsp sweetener (I used agave syrup)

Juice of 1 lemon

1 large apple, grated

6 brown bananas, lightly mashed (leave some chunks)

1/4 C  walnuts, chopped or halved

1/4 C  raisins (I used blueberries, cherries and currants because we were out of raisins)

3/4 C water

Make It Happen

Preheat oven to 375 degrees.  Combine the dry ingredients in a large bowl. Squeeze the juice of the lemon onto the combined apple and bananas.  Add walnuts, raisins and water.  Combine the wet and dry ingredients into one bowl.  Pour into sprayed muffin tins and bake for 45 minutes or until golden brown on top.  (The recipe says it makes 6 large muffins, but I did not have a 6 count muffin tin large enough for the batter, so I used my 12 count muffin tin.  To adjust for this difference in muffin size, I cut the baking time to just about 27 minutes.)

A variation on the original recipe suggests that you could put the batter in a loaf pan and enjoy these as slices instead of muffins.

These Mighty Muffins are like a muffin shaped multi vitamin of goodness. The oil has been ousted for both fresh and dried fruit and nuts which creates  an unbelievably moist, almost bread pudding like cake.  The nutty oat bran creates a crispy exterior which will make your mouth happy. There are only four tablespoons of agave in the entire batch so they are wholesome and filling food for part of an active day.

Photo By: S. Duquet

Keep these at your desk, in your purse and in your freezer for rushed mornings. Get crazy and play with fruit and nut combos. I think cashews and dried blueberries would be divine.

Have a delicious day.

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  1. nik Says:

    I agree…blueberries & cashews would be excellent! It seems the fruit needs to be dried right?…fresh blueberries would be too moist…? I might also try chopped dried mangoes or figs too. Thanks!

  2. Michelle Says:

    Thank you for posting the recipe. It’s is not correctly listed on the E2 website. I made them tonight and they came out fabulous. They are like baked oatmeal with lots of yummy fix-ins. I used walnuts and craisins :)

    PS- I used normal muffin liners and this recipe made a whopping 19 muffins!

  3. Sherry Says:

    Michelle, I know! Aren’t they amazing. I am so glad you found the recipe here. We will be posting many E2 and E2 inspired recipes over the next month so please join in the conversation and share what you know as well. Are you currently following the 28 day program?

  4. Sherry Says:

    I think I would stick with dried fruit in place of the raisins in this one. They are already SO moist that additional fresh fruit may tip the delicate balance of baking too far. Dried figs would be out of this world. I absolutely want to do that next. When you make them please share your success.

  5. Meeshelle Says:

    Mine are in the oven- with dried cherries, grapefruit juice, flaxseed and cashews.. energy for the farm day tomorrow! yay!

  6. Sherry Says:

    Inspired! Cant wait to hear about them. I shared (a bite only) with friends at work today and they freaked out. They are just so moist and satisfying. Please share more detail after your first yummy bite. I am very curious about the grapefruit juice. Yum.

  7. Belinda Says:

    I made these last night. First of all, 6 muffins? no way…I had 12. I used the truvia sweetener and it leaves a horrible aftertaste (had to throw them away). I am on my way back to the store for more bananas, maple syrup sweetener, and some dried blueberries….I hope this works out better! Also, making the sheppards pie with orange mousse for dessert…wish me luck lol

  8. Sherry Says:

    Belinda, I know….isnt that a scream. Gargantuan muffin pans must be available and I just have not seen them yet. I have never used Truvia so thank you for the tip. I made a batch last night with really ripe bananas, dried tart cherries, walnuts and only used 1 Tbsp of date syrup. The finished muffin was perfectly sweet. I really love to have these in the fridge or freezer for snacks at all time. Right now I have three varieties int he house. these. Have you tried the savory ones yet form the 3/14 post? I love them even more than the sweet because they taste like pizza. The last batch I made I added a generous dash of crushed red pepper flakes, yum.

  9. Exploits of a Vegan Wannabe » Blog Archive » 12/19 Happy Meatless Monday-Giving Good Things Says:

    […] easy to create. The muffins are rich, moist and amazingly oil free. They are based on the original E2 Mighty Muffin I have shared with you before. I created these to emulate one of Sandy’s favorites, Carrot […]

  10. joanie Says:

    I forgot the lemon (oops), and used 3 T coconut sugar (w/stevia) [I love the “soft” flavor of coconut sugar] and these are fantastic. I’ve used fresh blueberries and work just fine.

  11. joanie Says:

    oh yeah, and about 218 calories each, if you make 12 muffins from the recipe.

  12. Sherry Says:

    Hi Joanie and welcome to the conversation. What a great idea to use the coconut sugar. Thank you for the tip.

  13. Sherry Says:

    Thank you Joanie for the additional information. Those are calories from healthy and whole food that will give your body the fuel it needs. That tastes good.