10/9 New Roots and Shoots

I find it so exhilarating  when I discover things at the farmers market that I have never seen or tasted before. It is like being the Indiana Jones of produce. Yesterday I was introduced to Easter Egg radishes and Pea Shoots.

Photo By: S. Duquet

Easter Egg radishes are  dainty in size and gorgeous in color.   As I made my rounds through our farmers market, cash in hand, I spied them and thought they were candy.  I ran over to sneak a handful as our friend Amy from Living Stones Community farm explained to me that they were Easter Egg radishes.  These sassy root veggies are petite, colorful  and spicy. I am a radish lover so these were a true find.

At the same table I was also introduced to Pea Shoots. I was hoping for my beloved Sunflower Greens, but they have been too temperamental to grow so there were none today.

Photo By: S. Duquet

Amy showed me her prized Pea Shoots and assured me that I would like them. I scrunched up my nose like a five year old, then bought them anyway in retribution for my mini Sunflower Green tantrum.

Amy was of course right, they are scrumptious. Peppery like Arugula with the delicate mouth feel of a small tendril. They are light and airy with  an audacious bite.  We had them on  sandwiches and they were smashing. I also read that they are delish when tossed in at the very end of a stir fry.

You can grow Pea Shoots indoors and out. For additional information you can visit the  Sprout People website. I have not yet done any indoor sprout gardening, but am anxious to try.  If you are a sprout veteran, please share your insight.

Have a delicious day and enjoy trying something new.

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  1. Amanda Says:

    Pea shoots are so yummy! I went to the market with my mom and she bought the last of them before I could even say “good morning” to Amy! I bought some dinosaur kale from them instead.

  2. Jennifer Says:

    Did she tell you they are considering offering a CSA next year? Yesterday I bought the best beets I had ever tasted, on Amy’s recommendation of course! :)

  3. Sherry Says:

    No, I did not know that. It would be absolutely wonderful. Just for reference, CSA stands for Community Supported Agriculture. Here is a great definition I borrowed from Local Harvest.com
    Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) has become a popular way for consumers to buy local, seasonal food directly from a farmer. Here are the basics: a farmer offers a certain number of “shares” to the public. Typically the share consists of a box of vegetables, but other farm products may be included. Interested consumers purchase a share (aka a “membership” or a “subscription”) and in return receive a box (bag, basket) of seasonal produce each week throughout the farming season.

    They always have the best beets. One week she donated an entire crate of those beets to Project Produce. She is a produce growing and giving angel.

  4. Sherry Says:

    Pea shoots really are yummy. Even before I tasted them I was mad that they weren’t Sunflower Greens, but now that I have had them, I love them as well. They are delicious and delicately powerful in flavor.