10/19 Oil Pulling

Three months ago I began having mind numbing pain in two areas of my gums.  The pain was in the very back on both sides, making it nearly impossible to enjoy eating of any kind.  The pain persisted through antibiotics, pain meds and liquid diets. Nothing seemed to work. As soon as I would consume something more scandalous than mashed potatoes, the pain would come barreling back. The pain was so persistent and aggressive that I started to feel as though I would never find relief…I began to feel desperate.

I started to research gum pain and read about oil pulling, an age old technique that uses oil to draw toxins out of the body. I read threads from people all over the world that had been oil pulling with varying degrees of success and catastrophe. I stumbled upon a post from a woman that said, “I have to be honest, I am a skeptic but I am in so much pain, that I am desperate to find anything that will work.” Her words resonated with me and I  realized that I felt exactly the same way.  The next day I purchased a jar of organic, unrefined coconut oil and began oil pulling twice a day.

Four days later the debilitating, Motrin gulping pain was completely gone. I have been pain free for an entire month except for one afternoon. I cant explain it, but I can share it.

There are many variations on oil pulling including the type of oil used and time spent. This is how I did it with some notes and explanation as well from the source.

This information on Oil Pulling is from EarthClinic.com.  Read this with your own judgement and curiosity.

How to Oil Pull:

~Only oil pull on an empty stomach. The morning is the best followed by right  before bed.

~Brush your teeth first

~Start with a beautiful organic and unrefined oil: Coconut, Sesame, Sunflower,  Olive Oil (I used Coconut because it tastes good and feels nice)

~Put 1-1 1/2 Tbsp of oil in your mouth and slowly  suck the oil back and forth through your teeth. You may also pretend like you are chewing and continue to suck and pull the oil back and forth through your teeth for 20 minutes. Start slow if you need to and work up to 20 minutes. If your jaw gets tired than you are working too hard at it. Relax and do not swish or gargle. Use your tongue to help pull the oil back and forth.

~ Do not swallow this oil. It is full of bacteria. If you need to swallow, spit the oil in the toilet then start again.

~After 20 minutes you may spit the oil into the toilet and immediately flush. Rinse your mouth well with warm water then brush your teeth.

~You may now eat or drink and go about your day.  Drink  plenty of water to help your detox.

The oil pulls all mucous, bacteria and toxins from your body through your saliva. According to Ayurvedic medicine, mucous is a poison that must be removed.

Note #1:
The old school says that only sesame and sunflower oils produce favorable results. However, our (Earth Clinic’s) readers report success using other oils too.

Note #2:
If after meals, wait at least 4 hours before you Oil Pull. After drinking, wait 1 hour.

Note #3:
A worsening of symptoms is an excellent indication that the disease/ailment is being cured.  Earth Clinic refers to this as a cleansing of sorts. ( I did not experience this)

Note #4:
Do not stop Oil Pulling if you feel aggravated symptoms or heightened side effects after a day or two. Your body is healing. ( I did not experience this)

Note #5:
Will your dental fillings fall out? It’s possible but highly unlikely unless there is pre-existing damage or loose fillings. (Thank goodness I did not experience this)

The oil will start to thin out after a few minutes because saliva is constantly being mixed in and swished about

EarthClinic.com also has tons of info about the various types of oils that people use and the success and horror stories to make an informed decision before you try oil pulling. I can share my experience as information but only you will know if it is right for you.

I went to the dentist yesterday for a follow up appointment to the pain in my gums. She had been equally as dismayed by the inability to heal my pain to date. I told her that I had been  oil pulling for the past month and felt as though it had “cured, eliminated, fixed” the problem, the pain was finally gone. (I was kind of waiting for the Western medicine lecture and a slap on the wrist)  She silently examined my teeth and gums for what felt like forever then said,  “Your gums look amazing, keep doing whatever you are doing.”

That’s good enough for me.

Have a delicious day.

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