9/14 Drink it Up

We all strive to get the nutrients we need to be energized and healthy from the foods that we eat. When we are on our game, we cook beautiful meals for ourselves and plan foods that are complementary for maximum benefits.  But, sometimes you just need to fill the void, tame the snarling pit in your stomach that is screaming,”Feed me and don’t insult me with another baby carrot or almond.”

I have had a few opportunities like that recently and thought it would fun to share.  I found two protein infused drinks that you may really enjoy. They are available in most chain grocery stores and health food stores.

The first one is Odwalla Super Protein. It is crafted with apples, bananas, oranges, coconut and 18 grams of soy protein per bottle. Each bottle also contains 8 essential amino acids and a myriad of vitamins and minerals. It has afresh and sunny flavor.  The coconut orange duo is very prominent and scrumptious. I drank half of it in a serving for a protein rich snack on the fly.

The second one I tried was Bolthouse Farms Perfectly Protein Vanilla Chai Tea.

Each bottle contains 20 grams of protein, 18 amino acids  and 530 mg of Potassium. It is generous in B vitamins and has a biggie dose of vitamin C.

Because this tastes just like something you would get at your fave coffee house, I had to talk myself out of slugging the entire bottle in one gulp. I reminded myself that it was a snack and tried to pace myself but then  talked myself into consuming the rest by feigning  hunger.

You can see by the empty bottles that I loved them both. They are equally as delicious in completely different ways. They are the perfect food to feed your soul and belly when you are short on time and big on hunger.

Planning ahead with snacks for yourself and your family means that you are less likely to end up in a drive thru or eating a bag of salt and vinegar potato chips while driving to your next destination ( I may or may not have done this). Set yourself up for success by always having a mini cooler with you in the car with your fave snacks. It takes a few extra minutes of planning, but think of all the hours of negative self talk and energy we have wasted after eating foods that werent in alignment with how we want to be feeding our bodies. You deserve to feel great, pack a snack.

Remember, if you would like to win two tickets to join us Friday evening at the all vegan No Beast Feast, send me a comment or email me solstice1@prodigy.net and let me know you would like to join us. I will draw randomly from all of the entries received by Wednesday and let you know who won on Thursday Morning. Good luck and thank you for all of your comments. I love hearing from you.

Have a delicious day.

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  1. Louise Rayburn Says:

    Hi Sherry, Up to now, I have had time to only sporadically tune in to your blog and frankly, I am just blown away by it. Early this morning, I sat down with my coffee and read many of the entries (I haven’t yet gone back to read more of the earliest ones, but I will). You have a wonderfully engaging writing talent that conveys your great enthusiasm and passion for your subject. You are so good, in fact, that I actually am tempted to try some of the recipes you have posted, both your own and those of others you have posted. And you know how I hate to cook !! I particularly like how you are very detailed in how you are expressing both your experiences and the results of those experiences. Ditto for the recipes. Continue to include the background stories which add so much interest as well as information (for example, on the dates and soaking of the nuts. It’s even possible you might make a convert of me yet–at least partially.

  2. Sherry Says:

    Thank you so much for your incredibly kind comment. Writing this blog has unearthed a passion for writing that I did not know existed and I am just loving every minute of it. It is both confirming and uplifting to know that people are reading and enjoying Exploits as much as I am enjoying crafting it.
    I know we are creating change one meal at a time. Compassionate consumption is a lifestyle that begins with one dairy free smoothie or snack at a time. It does not have to be all or nothing, so jump in where you are comfortable. Feed yourself and your family great foods that you enjoy. The fact that they are vegetarian or vegan can be the bonus. Thank you for reading and thank you for letting me know you are reading. It really means the world to me.