5/12 Delusional? Maybe.

A funny thing happened the other day. I received my customer appreciation coupons from our local grocery store. Because they swipe my savings card with every purchase, they can track the types of things I am buying month to month. The customer appreciation coupons always reflect the items we buy regularly. I am always excited when they come. “Wow! These coupons are for  the things we always buy!”

It amazed and horrified me to realize that six out of the thirteen coupons were all for dairy products.  Milk, yogurt, sour cream….etc. These are staples that our fridge is never without.  These foods are like the fridge light…they are always there. It had never occurred to me how much ancillary dairy we actually consume.

This realization really stuck with me. Going back o our previous conversation (Weighing on my Mind post)  about milk being a super food if your a calf and quite possibly a fat creator, energy drainer for humans, I feel like I may have found the Rosetta Stone of weight maintenance and stabilization. I am  even more excited to embark on the 30 day challenge.  I look forward to seeing how my mind and body change after spending a month with compassionate, natural, dairy free foods.

I encourage you to join us for whatever portion of the journey you are interested in. Wondering how it feels to have one meatless meal? Great! Want to switch to soy milk or have PB&J in place of your usual turkey sandwich at lunch? Great!! Ready to take on your veggie bad self and go all the way?? Great!! You are welcome here. I look forward to your comments and insights. Everything is more fun with friends!

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  1. Mindy Says:

    I stopped eating red meat and pork when I was 12 or 13. The idea of even trying it now is mortifying. I think your vegan challenge is great. I often eat Morning Star’s Spicy Black Bean Burgers for dinner. They are vegan I believe and they are really yummy.

    allrecipes.com is where I found the chocolate vegan cupcakes I made for a client. They came out really good.

    Best of luck with your journey.

  2. Sherry Says:

    Thank you for sharing Mindy. That is exactly what we are talking about…small steps that lead to significant change. By reducing the amount of meat in your diet you have been practicing compassionate consumption for yourself and the environment. I really believe that it makes an enormous difference. Starting somewhere and moving ahead at your own pace.
    Thank you for the recipe tip. I will check it out and look for ones to try and share. Please continue to share your insights, questions or recipe suggestions.