2/28 Happy Meatless Monday & E2 Update

Vegan cooking class this weekend was ridiculously fun. We had nine students and only two were already vegetarian. The rest of the class was mostly interested in learning some new veg dishes and shifting to a more veg friendly diet for their health. We were in a culinary arts classroom so the prep table had one of those cool mirrors above it so the entire room could see what we were prepping. They had many questions ranging from faux meat products to which cook wear we prefer. We even brought a swap out of one of our soups like on the Food Network. I really felt like the information we were sharing was well received and could change their lives one veg meal at a time. It was wonderful and I felt so unbelievably comfortable like teaching vegan cooking classes was coming home.

Tomorrow we are starting the 28 day Engine 2 Diet that I shared with you in the  2/16 post . Since the day we decided to go for it until now we have been in the E2 hybrid stage of donating and eating all the foods in our fridge, pantry and freezer containing oil and excessive sodium or sugar. The plan focuses on whole grain and fresh, unprocessed foods.   As I have started to reread every label in my house (I used to only look for dairy) I have come to the realization that both oil and sodium are in nearly everything I consume. As I mentally flagged these items for March 1 removal I felt myself begin to panic in a way that I had not expected.  We did the same type of hybrid transition with the vegan challenge and I don’t remember it feeling this scary.  I have found myself consuming the things we already have in the house as if my life may depend on it. Beyond that, I have been bringing  more of my favorite foods that are not on the E2 plan into the house, like store bought hummus and sodium encrusted crackers as if it is one last hurrah. Thank goodness this hybrid stage has not lasted very long or I may have required an intervention.

It is so strange (or not at all) because one moment I am telling someone about this exciting shift I am in the process of making and how I  KNOW it will change my health and life forever and the next I am making a list, mental or otherwise of all the things I need to eat before my life as I know it is over on Tuesday. I am sharing this with you because all along I have been a cheerleader for change, “Just try new things, try one meatless meal, try vegan ice cream and you will love it….” But now I am experiencing my own fear and resistance to a change  in my eating habits that nearly all of me is really thrilled about. There is another part of me that is clearly afraid of change. But you know what…I can do it anyway. Even if I am afraid of not doing it right and failing, or afraid of doing it well and loving it…I can acknowledge the fear and decide to move through it because I want to. If you have ever thought about making a lifestyle change and were afraid or anxious or just not sure, those feelings and reactions are perfectly natural. Being resistant to change doesn’t mean we can’t change; it just means that we need to be patient and kind to ourselves as we move through new experiences.

I am ready to release my fear and my reliance on processed foods. I will shift my focus to more energetic foods even if only for 28 days. I want to see how great I can actually feel while eating foods that are extravagant in their beauty and vitality.

As we work through the E2 program I will be sharing many of the plant strong recipes we are using. Rip Esselstyn generously gave us the okay to reprint the E2 recipes on the blog so as we enjoy them we will share them.

Have a delicious day and do something today that challenges you.

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