8/13 Undercover Activism

Wesnesday night was Mind Expanding Movie Night at our house. We rented the documentary Food Inc. Everyone in attendance thought the movie was riveting from beginning to end. It tells the grim tale of where our food is really coming from and who is in charge of quality control. The movie grabs you and won’t let go not because it is shocking or especially gruesome, but for the opposite reason…it is telling us what we already know but do not want to  admit or believe.

There is no way around it…it is up to us to regulate the quality of the food that we choose to put in our mouths. We must vote with our wallets and stop purchasing food that has no food in it or is laden with hormones or pesticides.

The government takes little action in assuring that our families are eating foods from safe processing and distribution centers, let alone quality beef, eggs or fill in the blank that we can produce in this country. It is up to us to police our shopping carts and our cupboards. Whether you consume meat or not is not at issue in this movie. It is about  feeding ourselves and our families with the highest quality, most locally produced foods we can afford.

It also addresses nutritional imbalance in school lunch programs and food’s role in the climbing rate of obesity in our country.  But the movie doesn’t leave you feeling hopeless, quite the opposite, we felt motivated to learn more and be a part of the solution.   There is a corresponding website with this book and movie where they provide quick tips on how each of us can take steps now.  The movie and the site support the theory that we can make a difference, one meal at a time.  Check out how:  takepart.com/foodinc

We thought Food Inc was engaging, informative and the perfect entree into Mind Expanding Movie Night.

Undercover Activism: Because it was the first movie night ever and our first vegan soiree at the house, we ordered veggie pizzas and salads with and without cheese. We wanted to ease everyone into our transition while lulling them into trying all of our other vegan snack foods. Didn’t see this coming…they ate all of the vegan pizza and salad first! They left the cheesy pizza and Greek salad with Feta and scarfed all of our vegan edibles. I even watched as my sister was like,” Is there any of that other pizza left.” I wanted to cry a vegan tear of activist joy, but that would be smug and wrong.

I felt delirious. We had scrumptious food, a memorable movie and an engaging discussion with people we love. I can’t wait for the next Mind Expanding Movie Night. I will tell you this, it is all vegan next time so we don’t go hungry with only the cheesy edibles remaining! I had to fill up on white wine and Sour Patch Kids. Here is a link to the trailer so you can have look.  Food Inc. Trailer

Side Bar: We also had a Kombbucha Tea sampling at movie night. It was my first experience with it. I find it very perplexing.  I am reading more about it so I can offer insight to the Kombucha curious. If you are Kombucha knowledgeable, please share the love.

Have  a delicious day.

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