6/21 Play With Your Food

Happy Monday and Summer Solstice.

I discovered something  this weekend that felt like an important find.  Once I tested the validity of my new tip, I knew I had to share it with you.

I was at the grocery store on Saturday and in the produce section I saw a bag of crinkle cut carrots and thought, “I have to have those.” That strong of a craving is usually reserved for gin and tonic and salt and vinegar potato chips. In all of my vegetarian lovin days, I have never lusted after a bag of carrots  in such  a way.  I was surprised  but thought, well okay. If I want the oddly shaped carrots that badly then i’ll buy the carrots.

Photo By: S. Duquet

When I got home from the market I was cutting up and preparing a whole watermagic (watermelon) for the week. As I was cutting this beautiful thing I found myself shaping the pink loveliness into thick matchsticks. They were SO tantalizing that I must have consumed half of a seedless watermelon. The shape of the sticks made it irresistible and I am not kidding. I tested this theory on Sandy later that evening. Sandy does not adore watermelon the way I do, so she was the right person to test it on.  She would not be swayed by the sheer beauty of it as I am. Verdict:  She absolutely thought the matchsticks were a strange lure to eating the melon. It was so appealing she could not resist either.

Photo By: S. Duquet

What these two events helped me to realize is that not only will we eat our fruits and veggies if they are chopped and ready to go (from blog post 6/14 Convenient Consumption). I now truly believe if food is fun or appealing to look at, we will reach for it first. It sounds so back to basics, but that is why I believe it will work for all of us.  If cutting the watermelon into thick, fun to eat matchsticks helps us to consume more of it, than I think it is worth it. If the crinkle cut carrots felt so fun that I was willing to grab  them instead of the chips, than it has worked.

Consuming as many fruits and veggies as we can get our hands on is the key to a healthy body and mind. They fight disease, keep our bodies moving and in shape and taste amazing.

We deserve the opportunity to fall in love with veggies and fruits again. Not the way our parents cut, prepared or overcooked them, but the way we want to consume them. If you only want to  eat your honeydew in the shape of a melon ball-er than do it! If you want to only eat your broccoli in the shape and form of  broccoli slaw than do that!

Lets reclaim our joy and play with our food any way we want to.

Have a great day.

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  1. Lisa Says:

    This is such a clever idea Sherry! I can’t wait to share this tip with my clients!

  2. Sherry Says:

    Thank you Lisa! Let me know if you receive any feedback. I swear, that with the act of just cutting all of your fruit and veggies when they come in the door is the true key to consuming more good for you stuff. You have to set yourself up for success. Make it easier and more entertaining to eat fruits and vegetables than it is to open and consume a bag of chips!

  3. Elisabeth Says:

    We eat with our eyes, too. I like your idea and I wish I had some watermelon sticks now. Even a boring tofu can look magical or cute. here is a link to my fun shaped tofu http://czechvegan.blogspot.com/2010/11/hedgehogs-squirrels-and-falafel.html