5/5 Happy Cinco de Mayo

In honor of Cinco de Mayo I wanted to share one of  my most favorite  recipes.  I created it  after a trip to Puerto Rico, where we had authentic Tostones.

Plantain Cakes

2 ripe yellow plantains

1/4 cup black olives chopped

1/4 cup diced green chiles  (canned and drained)

1/2 of a large red bell pepper diced

1 tsp. Cinnamon

1 tsp. garlic powder

1 tbsp ground Cumin

Cut plantains into 2-3 inch slices. Fry in pan with cooking spray or oil of your choice until brown on both sides. Put all of the cooked plantains in a bowl and mash like potatoes. Add spices and  continue to mash until soft. Add remaining ingredients and mix thoroughly. Make 1/4cup pancakes and fry in cooking spray or oil of your choice until brown on both sides.

Serve with black beans,  guacamole and salsa Verde of your choice for an amazing meal!

This is the perfect meal or appetizer. It is savory, slightly sweet and just darn hip. You will dazzle your family and guests with your culinary knowledge when you serve these.

Vegetarian Shoes??

I saw the funniest ad while reading a veg magazine. In bold letters it said, “Vegetarian Shoes.” I said to Sandy, if you ever see me attempting to eat my shoes, call the authorities.  They are of course referring to leather free shoes and not edible shoes, but it made me chuckle anyway.

I do love the idea of finding other ways to look good and feel sexy in compassionate clothes.  I used to have  a brown leather “biker” jacket. It was during my alterna-chick stage. I adored this thing and wore it everywhere.  It was a part of who I was at the time. It was my sexy security blanket.  The funny thing is that as my beliefs slowly changed from alterna-chick to vegetarian wanna-be,  my feelings on what I felt beautiful in also changed. I have not worn leather (except for my running shoes) in over 12 years.  It wasn’t a cataclysmic event or life altering change. It was something that was slowly woven into the fabric of my everyday life.

Lots of people taking small steps that create big change. I really believe it and we’re doing it!!

Have a great day!

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