6/22 Better To Have Loved

While touring one of the organic farms over the weekend we were introduced to garlic scapes. As the bulb of garlic is maturing in the ground, the plant is producing long seductive tendrils called garlic scapes, above ground.

Photo By: S. Duquet

The farmer snips the scapes so the plant doesn’t give its growing energy to the tendrils, and continues to focus on the garlic bulb in the ground. It was a functional act that gave way to one of the most delicious green things I have ever tasted. It is like a soft representative of fresh garlic. It is as though the garlic has been roasted in a wood burning oven  then saturated in $300 dollar olive oil. It is smooth and fragrant and unmistakably vibrant.

Photo By: S. Duquet

I purchased them on Sunday but have been too intimidated to use them until now. As you know, I have only liked garlic chives for less than a week and the beloved scapes seemed to be pushing it. But, time was not on my side. Evidently, the scape season is less than two weeks long. If you see them at the farmers market grab them before the person behind you does. They are like finding Morel mushrooms in the cracks of your very own sidewalk.

So, I cooked some pasta and started throwing things in the food processor like a starving scientist. The result was craveable and I already yearn for more scapes. The sauce was oddly light  for a creamy sauce and so alive and bright. The color attracts you while the bold garlic flavor is like a yelling whisper. It is so garlicky and really not at all.  Beautiful.  Darn the food that makes you fall in love with it only to vanish for another year.

Photo By: S. Duquet

Scapes and Peas Summer Pasta

By: S. Duquet


5 garlic scapes trimmed

4 T Nutritional Yeast

2 C Peas ( I used frozen, fresh would be amazing)

2 tsp Liquid Aminos

1/2 C raw sunflower seeds

Juice of one lemon

1/4 C water

A ton of fresh cracked black pepper to taste

A ton of lemon pepper to taste

4 servings of whole wheat pasta (I used spirals)

Pasta Ingredients

1 C chopped artichoke hearts ( I used frozen so they were not flavored)

1 red pepper julienned

Make It Happen

~Cook pasta according to your taste

~In food processor put all ingredients except for artichokes and red pepper

~Blend until desired consistency of sauce, adding small amounts of additional water or lemon juice as needed. I left mine very thick because it adheres to the pasta nicely.

~Once sauce is blended put artichokes and red pepper in a sautee pan to heat thoroughly. I left the peppers very al dente so they would be crunchy. Any veggie will be a fantastic addition. I was looking for variation in color and crunch. The next time I will also add olives, maybe capers for fun.

~Pour sauce into pan with veggies to heat, then pour over drained pasta and toss to coat.

Serve immediately to three others worthy of your scapes and enjoy the beauty of such a fleeting romance. This one is worth the heartbreak.

If you are at work you should leave immediately and go to your nearest farmers market to find garlic scapes. Time is running out. Have a delicious day.

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