4/29 Dr. Oz’s Magic Touch

First,  happy nuptials Kate and Will.  The Royal wedding in England this morning of Kate Middleton to Prince William warrants a nod from Exploits, we’re fans of the cool new royalty duo in our household, we wish you well. Congratulations.  I wonder what the vegan option is at the reception?

So, Dr. Oz and his magic touch.  On Wednesday this week Dr. Oz interviewed the key figures from the movie Forks over Knives, opening nationwide on May 6th.  As you may recall I shared in this post, that Sandy and I saw the preview of the movie in February and we were so inspired by it that it launched the next phase of our journey, eating a primarily whole foods plant-based diet.  It was at this premiere that we met Rip Esselstyn (son of Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn, featured in the movie) and learned about Rip’s Engine 2 Diet, which we now use as our guide for preparing all of our meals.

Dr. Oz interviewed Dr. T. Colin Campbell, Dr. Esselstyn, Rip Esselstyn, Dr. Neal Barnard and Lee Fulkerson.  These individuals are leaders in the notion that what you eat with your fork can prevent you from going under the knife.  Their work is groundbreaking and earth shattering for sure, but so logical, it’s ridiculous.  Eat a whole foods, plant-based diet and you will be fueling your body with the most healthy possible nutrition, warding off heart disease, cancer, diabetes and obesity.

I can’t help but wonder if this appearance on the Dr. Oz show Wednesday will have a major impact on the general public.  I’m personally not a viewer of Dr. Oz, but I know all too well who he is.  You see, I’ve mentioned at least once or twice that I work at Trader Joe’s and I’m about to do that again.  As someone who works at TJ’s, I am acutely aware of the magic Dr. Oz has over those who watch his daytime talk show.  He frequently reviews and recommends products that Trader Joe’s sells and the minute he goes off the air, customers come bounding into the store to immediately scoop up the item du jour he endorsed.  His words are gospel to them, they buy whatever he says to buy right off the shelves, it’s unbelievable.  If something is featured on Dr. Oz, it will surely be sold out the next day.

So, I’m familiar with his show by default and wonder what sort of impact it will have on the attendance of the movie Forks over Knives of course, but even more importantly, the possibility that many more people will be willing to try a whole foods, plant-based diet, because Dr. Oz said so.  Will they go that far?  If it doesn’t come packaged in a can or jar or box, will they still do what Dr. Oz says to do?  I hope so.  This is like the male version of Oprah, spreading her fairy dust over veganism in the 2 week challenge with her 300+ staff members.  It made the word vegan mainstream in a way that it has not enjoyed before.

I hope that after seeing the Forks over Knives segment on Dr. Oz that more people are willing to try this whole foods version of a vegan diet, it just may be another catalyst in urging others to eat more healthy for life.

In case you want to have a peek, here is the official trailer to Forks over Knives.  We’ll go see it again when it opens here and hope that you join us and do so in your town too.

Have a delicious day.

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  1. nik Says:

    I must admit that while Dr. Oz has some important messages, I’m not a fan of his show…too much hype for me. I did find the info and videos for that segment online ( http://www.doctoroz.com/videos/nutrition-plan-will-save-your-life ) so that is a good starting point, but it’s just not enough I think. It would be so great if he could devote more time to it and provide more links so that people unfamiliar with the wonderful benefits of plant strong vitality could really be inspired and get started!
    The Forks Over Knives site and trailer are great! I hope they add my city or make the film available online soon. They do feature some of the best books in their shop, including The Engine 2 Diet…yippee!

  2. Sherry Says:

    Thank you Nik for sharing. I appreciate the step in the right direction from Dr. Oz. It is a good starting point and a great way to use his power for affecting healthy change. I hope Forks Over Knives comes to your town soon. I found it life changing.