12/21 Nourishing Your Soul

Happy Winter Solstice and first day of Winter.

Photo BY: S. Boulton

Over the weekend there was a church in our neighborhood that was torn down. The church had gone into foreclosure and became dilapidated and in disrepair. Because I pass this church everytime I leave my house, I have watched over the course of just a few days…it go from a fairly large structure to a pile of rubble. Today, as I drove by their final phase of demolition, something really stuck with me.  This building had been considered a sacred space. It was a place to worship, to celebrate death and life, to be weak and to gain strength….and now the building was gone as if it had never existed.

In that moment it occurred to me that if all the parishioners got together in a space other than their church (that was now gone) that they could create the same sacred space, because the energy of their intention and joy came from the people inside….and not the building itself.

It was from this realization that I saw an analogy for my own body and my own ability to nourish myself.  My energy is from within and how I feed my body is up to me.  Every single day I have the opportunity to choose  to be inspired to fuel myself with nutrient rich, healthy, compassionate food. When you eat foods that have been nourished and fed by the sun and the earth, then you will be too.

Perhaps this is the first time that I’ve connected with the concept of “You are what you eat.”  My sacred space is what is inside of me. I am willing to believe that it is worthy of the most delicious, compassionate and interesting foods I can find. If I nourish myself insufficiently or let my sacred space fall into disrepair, than I am essentially foreclosing on me. I do have a choice and I choose me.  Food does nourish every part of us, including our soul, energy, life force, Chi…. what ever you would like to call it,  it’s up to us.

Lets do it together, one meal at a time. Every time we choose almond/soy milk over dairy, have pasta marinara or a veggie stir fry while enjoying a meatless lunch out with friends we are creating a ripple effect of positive change. It doesn’t have to be all or nothing.

Do one small thing to nourish your soul and have a delicious day.

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  1. Jennifer Says:

    What a beautiful post! The energy of this beautiful day is already flowing through you. Happy Solstice!

  2. Sherry Says:

    Thank you Jennifer. It was a beautiful Solstice day. Now I look forward to longer, sunnier days ahead. I am craving the farmers market like a drug.