7/2 Guest: GiGi from Veganville

Happy Friday and holiday weekend!!

Exploits is thrilled to welcome GiGi, vegan baker and owner of  Veganville. She shines as bright as a fireworks display and is the creator of some of the most deviant vegan sweets I have ever laid my hands on. Once they are in the house you will have to finish them. It becomes your only concern, your obligation. You can check out her vegan blog that always has fun and unique recipes: http://www.gigi-2boomers.blogspot.com/

Gigi is here  to share  insight from her own vegan journey and  some super secret vegan baker tips that we can all try . Thank you Gigi for sharing with us and for creating change one meal/cupcake at a time.

GiGi from Veganville

It started in the seventies. Yep I’m kind of old, but I don’t really look it because I use good moisturizer and I don’t wear old lady clothes. Nooo, silly. I’m a vegan, that’s why. Anyway, the parental unit was eating chicken, and Dad said, “Hey Gi pass the leg”. For some reason I never gave much thought to a chicken having a leg, but that was it and my vegetarian/vegan journey began.

In the beginning, my mom chased me around the dinner table with a hamburger. I was a competitive athlete and my mom thought I would faint on the court if I did not eat dead flesh. Once my mom saw that my vegetarianism was not a phase, she bought me vegetarian pate’ and Morningstar bacon, made me hard boiled eggs, salad plates and a yummy carrot cake which is actually more like a side dish than a cake. I lived on graham crackers and fresh PB from the only health food store around. Once in a while I had a scoop of tuna at a local diner. Oh the shame that’s not vegetarian! This is true but in the early 70’s really, who knew what a pescetarian was? I was vegetarian enough.

My sister Heidi gave me my first vegetarian cookbook ever. I think it was written by George Bernard Shaw’s cook. Eventually, the fish had to go, but what about Caesar salad and Worcester sauce in a bloody mary? My mornings would never be the same. Ah the concerns. But when one is committed to a cruelty free life, there is always an alternative.

The years brought greater commitment and love for the world’s creatures. Giving up dairy was simple. I was a performer/vocalist and I didn’t like the phlegm. The thought of what little yolks could be made my tummy hurt. Sure, the egg on the plate was gone, but I had to compromise, didn’t I?

I mean I was a baker after all and I didn’t want my baked goods to suffer. But what about the chickies? What about their suffering? Being mostly vegan felt like being a little bit pregnant. I would find a way to make these baked goods taste good without sacrificing taste and most of all not sacrificing a living creature. You can too. I know it.

Baking hints:

1. Banana is a good vegan leavener-half a mashed banana=1egg.

2.Ener-G Egg Replacer is awesome. 1.5 T Ener-G +2 T water mixed well =1 egg.

3. Earth Balance is the best butter replacer ever.

Good luck on your vegan journey. You are doing a great thing, my friend. I’m excited about Sherry and Sandy’s 30 day challenge!  I’m free to answer your questions. You can check out my recipes or order some vegan delights from me too. www.veganville.etsy.com

Thank you so much GiGi for sharing  your journey with us.

Have a delicious day.

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  1. GiGi Says:

    Thank you so much for the great lead-in Sherry!

  2. Sherry Says:

    Really my pleasure. I am so happy that you have come into our vegan wannabe lives. This is new to so many of us and we really appreciate your insight, honesty, and wisdom.

  3. Ron Reece Says:

    I gotta tell you…GiGi is one heck of a fantastic, committed vegan baker. Prior to knowing her, my experience was that vegan meant “hocky puck” in some language somewhere. Dry, card boardy, yuck. No, no, no now that I have GiGi in my life. I can’t stop eating her stuff when it is around. Moist, tasty, just sweet enough, beautiful to look at and admire. She is one creative babe and I love her to pieces. I am not a devoted vegan and I love eating her stuff every chance I get. Now that is a testimonial! She is the best!

  4. Sherry Says:

    I think so too Ron. If anyone could bring you to the dark side of veganism…it would be GiGi. She is fantastic. Thank you for sharing such kind words.

  5. GiGi Says:

    OMG just when I was about to buy a chicken….Ron and Sherry said the nicest things and I’m going to have to redrain the tofu I chose instead…it is drenched in gratitude tears.
    xoxo to you both.